Our Values
I’ve worked in many agencies over the years, so when it came to putting together the Tambo values I had plenty of reference points and experiences to draw on. The values of the business are incredibly important. They define who you are and how you should behave. So we took our time creating our values and work hard to maintain them.
I’m never far from a sports analogy, as my team will attest. So they won’t be surprised when I use one in the context of values. The best teams have clear values that they stick too what ever the consequences. Values are enduring, whilst people will come and go. That’s why the All Blacks have been at the pinnacle of rugby for so long. Humility, excellence and respect are the three words at the core of the All Blacks ethos. If anyone strays from this path they are quickly held to account by themselves and their team mates and expected to re-earn the respect of the team. Their values are built on everyday rituals such as working hard in training, learning the Haka, sweeping the changing rooms and shaking hands with your opposition.
Tambo is built on the following values:
CHAMPION: Prepared to go the extra mile to achieve success. The bravery to experiment and to improve the way of doing things.
CITIZEN: Treating people as you would want to be treated yourself. Considerate to the needs of others and offering support to make their job easier. Always sharing knowledge and offering opinion.
COURAGE: Taking ownership and strive to be the best you can be in everything you do. Be a leader and ambassador for yourself and for Tambo.
CHILD: The curiosity and passion for learning as a child. The freedom to have fun and express yourself
These values are driven by a DAY ONE mentality and attitude. Treat every day as if it is your first.
We set up Tambo to be a business based on output rather than input. We want our team to work where they are happiest and use technology to connect. When we are together we’ll collaborate, socialise and have fun. When we are apart, our values bind us together.
Our values guide us through our working day. They influence how we work with each other, who we hire, how we tackle problems, how we make decisions and how we manage relationships with clients and partners. At any time, we are prepared to hold each other to account if we stray from our values. Every quarter, we do a formal check-in to keep us on track.
Our business will change and grow, but our values will endure.